Our Fees
Our fees are £50 per day for a full day session (8 am until 6 pm) and we include all snacks, milk and a home cooked lunch. We will agree a mutually agreeable drop off and pick up time in between these hours.
We operate 50 weeks of the year and close for two weeks at Christmas and New Year. To calculate fees, we use the following formula:
Weekly rate x 50 weeks / 12 months. This ensures that parents can set up a direct debit for the same amount each month. Fees are paid on the first day of each month in advance.
To secure a place in our baby room, we take a non refundable deposit of £100 which is deducted from the first month's fees. Deposits are not taken for children accessing their free funded hours.
We are registered providers of the tax free childcare scheme and you can check if you are eligible online. You can get £500 every 3 months (up to £2,000 per year) for each of your children to help with the costs of childcare. This goes up to £1,000 every 3 months if the child is disabled (up to £4,000 per year). In addition to this, you get 20% towards the cost of your childcare. To find out more, click here